Year: 2019

This post answers these common Cuba visa questions: Do I need a visa for cuba? How much is a visa? What are the visa requirements?

10 Things to Do in Havana, Cuba

Oh, Havana. Thoughts of this city stir up memories of warm days, sultry nights, and plenty of rum. I was fortunate enough to spend one whole month exploring Havana and all it has to offer. Below, I share my list things to see and do when visiting this time machine. Before jetting off, make sure […] Read more…

Cuba may not be known for its food, but it should be. Use this list of the best restaurants in Havana to ensure you always enjoy your meal!

26 of the Best Restaurants & Bars in Havana, Cuba

I have heard people say that Cuban food in Havana leaves much to be desired. To those people, I would say you ate at the wrong places! During my month long stay there, I dined at many amazing little restaurants with delicious food. Check out my list of some of the best restaurants & bars […] Read more…

This post answers these common Cuba visa questions: Do I need a visa for cuba? How much is a visa? What are the visa requirements?

How to Get a Cuba Visa (for Americans)

One of the most frequent questions I get asked about my trip to Cuba is how to get a visa? Since the relations between the United States and Cuba are a bit complicated politically and economically, many people fear that getting to the country is quite difficult. I have good news: getting a visa is […] Read more…

Everyone knows Cuba is the best place to drink rum. And the best place to enjoy that rum is at rooftop bars in Havana. Check out this post!

The 7 Best Rooftop Bars in Havana, Cuba

Quick, what are the two things Cuba is most known for? If you answered cigars and rum, you would be right! The best way to enjoy the latter (and the former if you’re into smoking) is at one of the many rooftop bars in Havana! Picture yourself with a cold cocktail in your hand, the […] Read more…

Is There Wifi in Cuba?

It is important for travelers to be able to have access to wifi in order to stay in touch with family members, stay up to date on current affairs or even to book future travel plans. Many visitors to Cuba often have questions about how they will have access to the internet since the island […] Read more…

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